Lawyer, LL.M. (University of Sydney)
Specialist lawyer for labor law

Claudia Wencker completed her law studies at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. After the Second State Examination, Claudia Wencker obtained the title Magristra Legum (LL.M.) at the University of Sydney, Australia. From the beginning of her career as a lawyer in 2004 until she joined THORWART in 2014, Claudia Wencker worked in two law firms specializing in commercial law in Nuremberg and Landshut as well as in an interdisciplinary law firm in Ansbach with a focus on labor law and commercial and corporate law. In 2019, Claudia Wencker was awarded the title of specialist lawyer for labour law.
The main focus of Claudia Wencker's practice is on advising and representing our clients in all individual employment law and collective labour law issues, ranging from the drafting of employment contracts and the execution of employment relationships to the termination of employment relationships by notice or termination agreement and representation in proceedings for protection against dismissal.
In addition, Claudia Wencker advises and represents mainly medium-sized companies in commercial and corporate law issues. The main activity of Claudia Wencker is the support of newly founded companies and the advice and representation in shareholder disputes. Furthermore, Claudia Wencker is the contact person for all questions concerning the commercial agent compensation scheme.
- since 2019 Specialist lawyer for labour law
- Working for THORWART since 2014
- Until 2014 lawyer in two law firms specialising in commercial law in Nuremberg and Landshut and in an interdisciplinary law firm in Ansbach (focus on labour law, commercial and corporate law)
- 2004 Admission to the bar
- 2003 Magristra Legum (LL.M. an der University of Sydney, Australien)
- 2003 Magristra Legum (LL.M. at the University of Sydney, Australia) Studied law at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg