Legal advice
We work for people and their goals
The best solution for you and your company - that is our mission. To achieve this, we consider not only the legal but also the economic structures. We accompany you with our multidisciplinary services and our excellent network, thus giving you a significant advantage for your company.
We work according to the principle of specialisation. Concentrating on certain specialist areas is a fundamental and indispensable precondition for successful work for each of our professionals. We consider ourselves a team of specialists.
Conflict resolution and process management
Legal disputes are time-consuming and expensive. For this reason, we do not regard the conduct of lawsuits, but - quite the contrary - the avoidance of legal disputes as an essential goal of our legal advice. However, if court proceedings cannot be avoided, they must be conducted consistently, quickly and forcefully.
In such cases, we are at our clients' disposal with our extensive experience, gained over decades, in representing their interests in court. Small, medium-sized and well-known large companies make use of this experience, as do banks, savings banks, insurance companies, public authorities and private individuals.